Estudo Do Processo Ensino / Aprendizagem De Ciências Em Duas Escolas Públicas Do Município De Jaguaribe - CE

Luana Kelly Barreto Soares

Graduanda em Licenciatura Plena em Ciências Biológicas pela Faculdade de Fiolosofia Dom Aureliano Matos, Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE). Limoeiro do Norte, CE, Brasil. [email protected]


In current times, the concept of distance learning has long been the idea that learning is to receive and retain information. Education must be central objective the training of citizens conscious, and responsible agent. In this heart, it aims to study and evaluate the process teaching / learning of science in elementary education in two public schools in the municipality of Jaguaribe-Ce, to identify its main shortcomings and difficulties. For both, were applied semi-structured questionnaires containing quantitative and qualitative approaches to learning about the level and profile of students. The survey was conducted with 100 students from 7 and 8 years of schools EEFM Cornélio Diógenes and Raul Barbosa, on 17 and February 22, 2007, respectively. Through research, it was found there several students outside the appropriate age group for the series in question. In both schools the majority of parents of students completed primary education and only a tiny minority came to higher education, many are illiterate. There are carried out experiments in class of Sciences of Raul Barbosa, in contrast, 58% of the students interviewed say Cornelius Diógenes perform experiments during their lessons. In both schools the students have responded relationship of the content presented in class with their daily lives. Evidenciamos that textbooks are facilitators of learning. The rooms of computers and the laboratory sciences of both schools are of good quality. We concluded that the schools surveyed have physical conditions and didactic reasonable. You see, therefore, that interference in the teaching / learning should be just the lack of utilization of these resources. As the main shortcomings and problems encountered, was able to identify the lack of diversity in the classroom, where he should have had a more realistic and discursive, with absence of dynamic and practical classes.

Keywords: Teaching, Learning, Science.

Autor: José Robério de Sousa Almeida

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