To Manage The Knowledge In A Business Area!

The information society has brought profound changes to the labor market, forcing traders to invest in their knowledge and challenging businesses to cope as well as the knowledge that their employees bring to the organization. In the days that they run the competitive gap that exists in business, is increasingly linked to intellectual capital. Thus it is important to manage this knowledge.

While it may seem a simple task for an organization, when we talk about managing information, refer us to realize an intangible right, that this is a very important role for a company.

The intellectual capital of each employee firm is increasingly, as the competitive gap between the organizations. Mindful of that reality, the companies concerned are rising with the management know-how of its employees. In turn, treat this increasingly knowledge-generating and increasingly in a systematic way.
The Knowledge Management is not a current reality, has existed for many years, however, only recently gave up companies to develop technologies to operationally it.

We did not find a single definition for the term "knowledge". One of the definitions is possible that knowledge is a set of simple information, which includes individual experience and overall value of each individual. The Knowledge Management has a key role detect which of these skills are strategic to an institution.

For that there is effective management of knowledge is necessary that each company develop systematic methods, protect and organize this information, doing so with which it is spread and multiplied by the organization.

To do so, should create technological tools to manage this knowledge, because it is very fluid and little tangible.

While some companies are already engaged in knowledge management, making it in a systematic way, there are many others that only create processes of knowledge on the basis of reports and meetings.

On days like these are increasingly the technologies that can serve the Management of Knowledge; however there are two aspects regarding its application. The first part can serve as a means to create mechanisms for measuring the intellectual capital accumulated; the other can serve as recording and sharing of experiences and knowledge. In this context the Knowledge Management has the role of systematic, thus allowing greater interaction between individuals and expansion of the exchange of knowledge.

But we must know who are the people involved in the processes, what the objectives and strategies of the organization. The use of tools of Information Technology (IT), only serves to store the information, thus managing the intellectual capital of each contributor.

But for each employee that will help and make a spontaneous way, it is up to the organization that serves to explain this administration.

Deploy the Management of Knowledge is therefore easier on companies that already have a participatory culture in which all hierarchies are involved, including the top management.

There is no single recipe for creating an organization to Knowledge Management. It is up to each organization to choose the best way to stimulate the same, as well as identify the best software that exists to treat it.

Whatever the focus of the company, the methods chosen and applied technologies, the implementation of a sound Knowledge Management is an efficient way of continuous improvement in processes of an organization. Being that it serves to accelerate decisions and take the company to more quickly achieve the goals we are proposing.

Another positive point of Knowledge Management is the valuation of intellectual assets of the organization, which is transforming an individual capital in organizational capital.

The importance of this administration, allows organizations will rely less on standby for professionals, or in case of leaving the company, it would have some knowledge, not thereby running the risk of completely taking with them important knowledge for the organization.

The availability of this knowledge encourages the sharing of information, learning and self-development of employees, thus improving and encouraging the individual performances and thus bringing positive results for the entire organization.

Nádia Miranda
Prof. Doutor Luis Joyanes
Autor: Nadia Miranda

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